Portugál erasmusos utunk beszámolója

2023.01.06-01.13-ig iskolánk tanulói portugáliai cserediákprogramon vettek részt. A portugál diákokat tanulóink 2022 októberében látták vendégük. A diákcsere nyelve angol volt.

A látogatás alatt diákjaink bekapcsolódtak a Colégio Paulo VI, gondomari iskola életébe. Aktívan részt vettek a tanórákon, megismerkedtek az ottani oktatás sajátosságaival, intenzíven használták az idegen nyelvet és betekinthettek a kritikus gondolkodás és a vita módszertanába.

Emellett persze városnézés és a helyi látnivalók, múzeumok megtekintése is gazdagította a programot.

Néhány diákunk így emlékszik vissza az útra:

„Few weeks ago, i had the chance to spend one amazing week in Portugal at a host family. I have never seen this country before so everything was new to me but i loved it. The places and the programmes were amazing and i made new friends for a lifetime. I love travel and it was even better with my friends so if anyone wants to travel abroad then i think it’s a really good opportunity.”

„I’ve been to Porto last year with the same Erasmus program and I had a very good time, but this year was even better. I already knew the city and I had an even better view on everything. My host family was amazing, they took me everywhere and they were so caring and kind with me, they became my second family. I’m really thankful for this opportunity, I recommend it to every student who has the chance to visit Porto.”

„My experience in Portugal was quite unique and unforgettable. Although we didn’t have great weather it didn’t ruin our stay. My exchange student was absolutely wonderfull. She always knew where to go, we were on time on all occasions, she took me to incredible places and she was really easy to follow in any circumstances. I would love to go back there any time and live through the adventures all again.”

2023. január 16.